Strolling around Tuscany...
Odina Agriturismo is located among Arezzo, Firenze and Siena, cities rich in monuments and renowned works of art.
However, there are many hidden corners even more beautiful and rich in peculiarities that could be interesting to visit.
The Arboretum of Vallombrosa, for example, that is a unique collection of indigenous and tropical species of trees founded in 1870. There, there's also the possibility of visiting the millenary Benedectine Abbey.
Roseto Fineschi in Cavriglia is a pleasant place where you can let yourself be inebriated by the perfumes and colours. Here the blooming of the roses, between May and June, is always an exciting and inebriating sensory exhibition.
On the border with Umbria, you can visit Anghiari and Sansepolcro, two small, ancient villages. One of them, Anghiari, was declared Common Heritage of Mankind by UNESCO. The Aboca Museum in Sansepolcro allows us to trace the Officinal Herbs History from its practical lore to scientific credibility.
Florence: the Uffizi Gallery, the Duomo and why not, the Giardino dei Semplici, in other words the botanic garden of Florence founded in 1545. If there is still time and especially space for more ephemeral but certainly fascinating suggestions: the Officina di Santa Maria Novella, perhaps the most ancient herbalist shop still in business today for 400 years. In the end, a last glimpse of Florence from its Giardino delle Rose, where works by Folon have found a dreamlike and surely evocative position.